MAFS 2020 bride Lizzie posts video in underwear looking very skinny


Married at First Sight bride Elizabeth Sobinoff just posted a video of herself in her underwear on Instagram and she is super skinny.

The new season of MAFS Australia is only a few short weeks from premiering on Channel 9 and fan favourite Elizabeth Sobinoff will be returning for a second chance to find love. Unfortunately it looks like the show has had a very negative impact on her mental and physical health.

Did you know?

Lizzie was one of the prettiest, and bubbliest, brides on MAFS Australia last year. Many fans even considered her to be like the Aussie Lady Gaga; strong, outspoken, yet kind and caring woman who is entertaining to watch. Sadly, the man she got paired with did a number on her insecurity for continuously ragging on her appearance to the camera and eventually cheating on her with crazy Ines Basic.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with Lizzie and although her on-screen scumbag hubby never said anything to her face, she got to see it all on live television afterthefact. And it may have left some emotional scars.

MAFS Lizzie in underwear

Click here to watch full Instagram video of MAFS 2020 bride Lizzie in her underwear.

Elizabeth Sobinoff comitted herself to a diet which would see her lose a tremendous amount of weight, and considering she didn’t need to lose any, she is now super skinny… to the point where her fans are worried about her.

In her last Lizzie seemed confident enough to pose in her underwear and it now more clear than ever that Lizzie has lost so much weight… maybe a little too much.

Is Elizabeth anorexic?

MAFS 2020 bride Lizzie posts video in underwear looking very skinny

She’s still as pretty as ever but we miss old Lizzie, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the way she was. Looks can be deceiving and we’re no doctors, so there’s a good chance that she’s still healthy even though she may not appear to be.

What are your thoughts on Lizzie’s shocking new look? Are we just making a mountain out of a mole hill or is this a reason to be concerned? Leave your comments below.

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