Australian teen girl brutally beaten by eight angry girls in Melbourne CBD


A young Australian teen was brutally beaten and hospitalised at train station in Melbourne CBD by 8 angry girls.

A young defenceless Australian teen girl was approached by a group of young violent adults claiming to be Black Lives Matter activist and brutally beaten in Melbourne CBD. The whole ordeal was filmed and shared on Facebook group that glorified violent against white people.

NEWS: Network 10’s The Project condones BLM looting.

Angie King, a friend of the victim’s mother, was shocked when she saw the footage of young Mik being brutally beaten in the heart of Melbourne CBD.

Mik, the young victim, was sitting and waiting for her train home when she was approached by several Sudanese people; two of which she claims to know.

The video, although short, shows Mik sitting down on a bench with a drink in her hand waiting for her bus. She is approached by 8 African Australians who were there reportedly participating in the for the Black Lives Matter protest in Melbourne that day. Two of the activists begin to punch the girl in the jaw and back of the head while the person filming also taunts her.

After the video cuts Mik was thrown to the ground and stomped by several people before they retreated. An ambulance was called and she was taken straight to hospital.

The brutal attack left the young Australian teen girl with several broken ribs and a fractured cheek bone. A friend described her entire body being ‘black and blue’ after the assault.

Angie King shared the shocking video of the brutal attack of the young Australian teen that occurred in the Melbourne CBD and an image of the aftermath on Facebook but it was removed for violating their Community Guidelines.


“I know black lives matter, the whole world is about that right now, standing up, but how about my friends daughter? It’s not the current trend, she’s white, she’s just waiting to catch a train home, same age as my own daughters, bashed by 8 black lives that matter. There’s no African gang problem in Melbourne though right ?” Angie King wrote in the now deleted Facebook post.

Mother of teen girl who was beaten shares shocking photo of her injuries.

She continued: “Can anyone help? Who was there for her — no social distancing here either — I’m very angry. This little girl has been kicked in her head , had her head stomped on whilst on the ground; they could have bloody killed her.”

A Facebook post by one is the attackers confirmed that majority of the girls had attended the Black Lives Matter protest one week prior. Although there was no officially greenlit protest on the 14th of June, many people could be seen walking around with signs in solidarity of the movement.

Despite mainstream media reports there is, in fact, a rise in gang related violence in Melbourne, Australia, especially during the Black Lives Matter protests.

ABC reporter Emilia Terzon caught intense footage of the aftermath of a 16-year-old boy being stabbed to death by an African gang in Melbourne during the Black Lives Matter protest.

Despite Melbourne locals and witnesses saying that the attack was done by African gangs Emilia Terzon made a statement moments later saying, “I don’t think it’s helpful to speculate here on my thread about race, gang warfare or motives.”

A local responded to her comment: “Come down and spend an evening in the neighbourhood and see for yourself.”

Australian teen girl brutally beaten by Black Lives activists in Melbourne CBD

Indigenous Aussies not the problem. Black Lives Matter protest mostly peaceful in Melbourne.

The rise of gang related violence and crime is highly ignored by the mainstream media, yet it is a real problem that Melbourne locals have to deal with.

A fundraiser has been set up to help provide both emotional and physical therapy for Mik, the girl who was brutally beaten by Black Lives Matter activist in the Melbourne CBD.

“We have decided to try raise some sort of financial contribution to enable her to gain support through therapy, to gain the physical martial arts training to give her back her confidence to leave her house again with a little less fear and if possible something for her to enjoy, a little weekender or holiday to show her how much love there is out there for her so she doesn’t feel alone,” Tracey Archer wrote on the GoFundMe page.

The GoFundMe fundraiser has raised $2000 out of its $5000 goal with only 46 donors.

UPDATE: YouTube removed the video of 14-year-old Mik being beaten by 8 Black Lives Matter activists in the train station at Melbourne CBD. There is no way for us to even appeal the decision, so we’ve uploaded it directly to our website.

The full videos of the deaths of both George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks can be viewed in their entirety on YouTube’s platform, but showing white on black violence is forbidden.

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