Seinfeld the videogame is the nostalgia that everyone needs right now


New trailer shows us what a point n’ click adventure game about Seinfeld could be like, and — honestly — it could be the most anticipated game of 2021.

Jacob Janerka and Ivan Dixon have partnered up to make an unofficial Seinfeld game pitch, but they need your help to make it a reality.

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Friday 17th, 2020 — The game designer who brought us the critically acclaimed point n’ click adventure game Paradigm (with overwhelmingly positive reviews on Steam), and one of the animators that helped bring The Simpsons and Rick & Morty to life just launched their pitch for an unofficial point n; click adventure game based on the smash hit sitcom, Seinfeld

If Seinfeld the videogame gets the green light it will feature original stories written from the perspectives of Jerry, George, and Elaine. Kramer, however, will appear as a non-playable character.

Jacob explains, “For a ‘show about nothing’ Seinfeld has a surprisingly rich world. There are so many memorable recurring characters, plot lines and locations as the four protagonists navigate new relationships, jobs and rivals.” 

Seinfeld game lets you choose what kind of psychopath to play.

“The show existed during the time of iconic adventure games such as Monkey Island, Full Throttle, King’s Quest and many more.” He added, suggesting that a an officially licensed point n’ click adventure game would be the perfect way to honour the show.

The game will release episodically with first part being about Jerry wanting to break up with a girl through email, but he must figure out away to get the movie tickets she promised Elaine, George, and Kramer before he breaks her heart.

Unfortunately, they do not have the rights for to make a Seinfeld videogame, but they are confident that if their pitch garners enough hype it could become a reality.

That’s right, they are not asking for money… they just want you to share the pitch trailer around.

VIDEO: Seinfeld game unofficial pitch looks awesome!

“We need an official contract providing us the rights to create a game based on the IP. Even a ‘Yeah cool’ from Jerry or Larry would help. Without it, even releasing a ‘free fan game’ can get us into deep waters if they so choose to target us,” Jacob added.

Jacob and Ivan are willing to do what it takes to get the license and funding for the game, whether it is through the copyright holders, publisher, partner, crowd funding or even a combination of all of these methods.

Excited for a Seinfeld game? Then make sure you head on over to their website and then share the pitch video and beg, beg, beg, and beg some more until someone listens.

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