Top 5 Strategy Games That You Can Play On The Web


Looking for something to kill your boredom? Here are 5 amazing strategy games that you play online right now!

Online strategy games have been growing in popularity in recent years. These games offer a unique blend of challenge, skill, and competition that appeals to a wide range of players. The ability to play against other players from all around the world makes the experience even more engaging and dynamic. Additionally, the rise of mobile gaming has made these games more accessible than ever before. Players can now easily play their favorite strategy games on the go, which has led to a significant increase in the number of players participating in online matches.

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The internet is a vast place, and it can be overwhelming to find the best games to play. However, there are a few gems that will provide hours of entertainment for you and your friends. Playing strategy games on the web is fun because you get to compete against other people from all around the world. You’re probably sick of playing Candy Crush, and Farmville. So if you’re looking for a different kind of challenge, we’ve got some ideas for you aside from live casino online. Here are five strategy games that will help you hone your skills—and maybe even teach you something.


Zombidle – Zombidle is a strategy game where you take on the role of a necromancer. Your goal is to build up your army of minions, then use them to fight off your enemies. The game features a variety of spells that can help you in battle, including fireball and lightning bolt spells. In addition to the spellcasting mechanic, Zombidle has many other aspects that make it an enjoyable game:

  • There’s quite a bit of content available in Zombidle – there are over 100 levels total to play through!
  • You can unlock new units as well as new “buildings” for your necropolis by completing challenges throughout the game’s levels (e.g., killing 5 enemies with one unit).


Slope – Slope is a strategy game that has been played by many on the web. It is an online video game and has been around since 2010. The game is set in a fictional world where you are tasked to build your own army, fight against other players and defeat them in order to win crowns for yourself.

The gameplay of Slope involves building units for your army, making sure that they have enough resources before heading out into battle and ultimately defeating your opponents. The controls of this game are easy enough to use even if you aren’t familiar with gaming controls yet or haven’t played any games on the web before. The difficulty level varies depending on whether you play against AI controlled players or real people who can be from anywhere in the world at any given time!

Territory War

Territory War – If you’re looking for a strategy game that can be played without paying a dime, look no further than Territory War. It’s turn-based and browser-based, so it’s easy to get into if you’re on the go. You’ll capture territories (and wreak havoc) by using your army of warriors and monsters to defeat your enemy’s forces. You can play against other players in real time or take part in solo challenges if you prefer to battle alone.

You can also upgrade your troops by using gold coins and gems to buy new equipment for them. The game offers plenty of challenges for players at all levels, and there’s no limit on how many territories you can capture per day.

Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns

Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns – Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns is a MMORPG that takes place in the lush jungles of Central Tyria. It’s free to play, but there are some in-game purchases available for those who want to customize their character or buy items from the marketplace. There are three races and eight classes to choose from, all with different abilities and skills that can be unlocked as you level up. The game has a story mode where you follow along with your character’s journey through this world, as well as PvP (player vs player) modes where you go head-to-head against other players online.

Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns
Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns

You can play solo or with friends depending on what type of game experience you prefer!

Heart of Thorns is set in the same world as Guild Wars 2, but it’s a stand-alone expansion that you can play without having to have played any other games in the series. It was released in October 2015, and there are plans for more expansions in the future!

Mini Metro

Mini Metro – Mini Metro is a game about designing a subway map for a growing city. You start off with just one station, and you have to design routes and expand the system to meet the changing needs of your citizens. The game starts out simple, but it quickly becomes challenging.

The minimalist design and relaxing soundtrack give this game a soothing quality that helps you focus on building your transit system while also making it enjoyable to play over long periods of time or in short bursts of 10 minutes or less. It’s available on Steam as well as Android devices! The game starts off simple, but it quickly becomes challenging.


In this article, we’ve discussed the top strategy games that you can play on the web. As you start playing these games and figuring out how they work, keep in mind that the best way to improve is by studying your opponents’ strategies and looking at what works best for them. It’s also important not only to focus on winning but also having fun while doing so! We hope that you’ve found this article helpful and now have a few ideas of what games to play. 

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