Best Buffy Halloween costumes and cosplay of 2019


It’s close to 17 years since the last episode of Buffy aired but fans are still celebrating their favourite show by donning awesome costumes for Halloween.

Buffy he Vampire Slayer first aired in 1997 and quickly become a cult classic. The show survived to cancellation threats because of the support of its adoring fans and continues to survive in the hearts of its ever-growing community.

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Even in 2019 new people are still discovering the show and falling in love with it and it is obvious from the creative new Halloween costumes and cosplay that we’ve seen this year.

Here are some of the best Buffy cosplay and Halloween costumes we’ve spotted this year.

Red, blonde and brunette

Ana Marie posted a picture of herself with two of her buddies dressed as Buffy, Willow and Angel. Although not many at the Halloween party knew who they were it was Ana Marie’s friend who came up with the costume ideas.

“Our friend’s boyfriend was going to be Giles or Xander in the initial planning stages but he ended up not being able to make it. 🙁 She decided the costumes because she’s on her first watch of Buffy and LOVES it (of course) but she’s only on season 2! So hard not to accidentally spoil!”

Baby Buffy and small Spike

Baby Buffy Halloween cosplay
Baby Buffy!

Rachel Xydes, self declared house witch, introduced her kids to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and they became instantly hooked. “Spike and Buffy are ready to patrol. I think it’s safe to say that we are slaying this Halloween,” she wrote on Instagram.

It’s never too early to start watching Buffy, or at least in my books. This mum of two adorable demon slayers did the right thing… and heck, like me, they are also #TeamSpike!

William the Bloody… awesome!

Spike cosplay by James Sutton
Best Buffy cosplay: James Sutton as Spike

Okay, admittedly including this picture on this list is cheating. First of all, this photo was taken last year and the cosplayer edited it to make it look like Spike in vamp form… but he did it to celebrate this year’s Halloween so we included it.

James “Scarecrow” Sutton, the very well dressed hitchhiker, is a cosplayer from the United Kingdom who could also quite possibly be The Doctor himself.

Very bad daddy

Angel and Buffy

No Photoshop, just pure class and incredible effort. Ivy and her friend Jérôme celebrated Halloween this year by going as Drusilla and Angel.

Hardcore Buffy fans will get the quote used in the title immediately, but I will explain it for the uninitiated. What is even more interesting than the relationship between Dru and Spike is the twisted tail behind the siring of Drusilla. Angelus murdered her family and tortured and tormented her until she went insane… he then turned her into a vampire. Very bad daddy, indeed!

Ivy is a huge Buffy fan and her profile is filled with awesome cosplay pictures as seen above. Go give her a follow on Instagram (if the embed doesn’t load just click on this link).

Bizarre love triangle

Buffy, Spike and Drusilla
Every time I see you falling…

The wonderful moment when three friends who share the same passion for Buffy get together… this happens. An awesome trio of Buffy Halloween costumes; Buffy, Drusilla and Spike.

Lila (pictured as Buffy) is a huge Buffy fan who was fortunate to meet some of her heroes, Nicholas Brandon and Emma Caulfield, at Clouds Con this year!

Buffo the bearded Buffy

mallratbrodie95 instagram

Yes! Just so much yes! I had to include this in the list because it absolutely made my day! Thanks to Dondrea this guy watched Buffy for the first time and, like the rest of us, fell in love. “When he told me he wanted to be Buffy for Halloween and he allowed me to put makeup up on him, I knew he was ‘the one’.”

Garret McClever shared this wonderful picture of himself as the chosen one on his Instagram. “Been watching Buffy for the first time with @dawnzdrea and I had no idea how big and passionate the fan community was. Still to this day. Each person I talk to I increasingly understand first hand how important having an amazing hero like Buffy is when growing up. I’ve not finished the show yet, but wanted to celebrate Halloween by walking a mile in her shoes, because she’s so much more than a character.”

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