Comparison among different Cryptocurrencies


The currency used as a way to exchange with other currencies in the form of digital coins and also able to retain its value in the future is known as cryptocurrencies. The market value of the tokens which are retained for a long period is placed at stores. The operating base of cryptocurrency is blockchain technology. However, the information gets stored in the blocks via this technology to make a blockchain of blocks one after the another. However, platforms like bit index ai allow people to register, load their accounts with money, and start purchasing and selling Bitcoin.

However, it is an open-source technology and decentralized. As the crypto market is full of different types of cryptocurrencies and different tokens were built on different platforms to operate them in different ways via some traditional platforms of exchanges. 

The popular one: Bitcoin

The original and most famous currency is Bitcoin. Its origin was in an anonymous whitepaper by a person named Satoshi Nakamoto.

Cryptocurrency coin and bitcoin on golden background
Comparison among different Cryptocurrencies

The transaction process of Bitcoin is possible via a digital network and the members of the networks lend their power to run the network. Also, the tokens were awarded to the one who can run the network efficiently more tokens. 

Concept of Bitcoin Cash

When it is believed by the developers that bitcoin follows a peer-to-peer network they started to create a big block size to make the transactions fast and more efficient with Bitcoin cash. However, the limited supply of Bitcoin cash is around 20 million and most of the coins were minted. However, it is best used for those users and developers who can afford a similar alternative to it and want to execute a peer-to-peer payment mode. 


Cardano comes after Bitcoin. People who created Ethereum also generated Cardano cryptocurrency. It is also known as the Ethereum killer because it is more efficient to execute smart contracts. Its mathematical principles and multi-layer architecture are specifically designed to achieve these goals. In addition to this, its inbuilt crypto chain is more compatible with the regulatory bodies to ensure that it makes it into economical frameworks around the world. 


Dash is also a   cryptocurrency and is built by the fork of Litecoin. The protocol followed by Bitcoin is similarly applied to Litecoin too.  It was initially famous with the name Xcoin and later was called Darkcoin. However, it came into existence later on in 2015 in the digital world. However the working criteria of Dash coin work with nodes and behave like a server that can make transactions instantly by maintaining the privacy level of the transactions. 


One of the people named Billy Markus who was an IBM programmer funnily started Dogecoin. Once there was a meme of doge in 2013 which was based on the pictures of the Shiba Inu dog which was a joke.

Why DOGE coin is doomed to fail unless things change QUICKLY
Comparison among different Cryptocurrencies

Although Dogecoin was extremely volatile and always surrounded by price manipulation based on popular tweets. 

Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu Coin
Comparison among different Cryptocurrencies

Shiba Inu is a relatively new cryptocurrency that has recently gained popularity in the market. It was created in August 2020 by an anonymous person known as “Ryoshi.” Shiba Inu coin was named after the famous Japanese dog breed, Shiba Inu, which is also featured in the coin’s logo.

The Shiba Inu token was created as an alternative to Dogecoin, which is another meme-based cryptocurrency. Shiba Inu has gained a lot of attention due to its unique marketing strategy, which includes social media promotions and endorsements by popular figures. Additionally, Shiba Inu has also gained attention due to the creation of the Shiba Inu Bot, a trading bot designed specifically for trading Shiba Inu coin. The Shiba Inu Bot allows users to trade Shiba Inu easily and efficiently, making it a popular choice for traders interested in the cryptocurrency.

As with any cryptocurrency, investing in Shiba Inu can be risky, and it’s important to conduct thorough research before investing. However, for those interested in investing in cryptocurrencies, Shiba Inu is a unique and intriguing option to consider. With its growing popularity and unique branding, Shiba Inu is certainly a cryptocurrency to watch in the future. If you’re interested in trading Shiba Inu, you may want to check out the Shiba Inu Bot.


The Cryptocurrency which became famous among cryptos was Ethereum. It was proposed in 2013 and it was not permissible to launch till 2015. The reason behind it was that Ethereum would be an alternative and experienced case for blockchain beyond payments. However, it was able to execute the art contracts; it was a shelter for several coin offerings and the latest coins that were upgrading their funds to reach the top.

Ethereum cryptocurrency coin
Comparison among different Cryptocurrencies

Moreover, the app developers are also impressed with the Ethereum work and they wish to create. This blockchain that offers a way to execute smart contracts. Moreover, Ethereum is a core of several coins that were initially offered by ICOs with the use of its blockchain technology as followed on the available network. 

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