Twitter oblivious to flu deadliness as Kylie Jenner is hospitalised


Kylie Jenner has been taken to Los Angeles hospital after experiencing severe flu-like symptoms. People on Twitter fail to understand seriousness.

The 22 year old reality star and social media mogul is an terribly ill and has been sent to Los Angeles area hospital. The symptoms include nausea, dizziness, and vomitting, TMZ reports. Her symptoms are being described as flu-like.

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Twitter is confused as why this is news-worthy and are making jokes about Jenner going to hospital.

She has reportedly been ill for 3 weeks and was getting progressively worse. Although that may not seem news-worthy, the symptoms described and the length of her illness could spell dire news, especially considering the young socialite checked herself into hospital instead of going to the family physician.

This year in Australia alone 500 people have died from influenza with one of the most recent victims being a healthy 13 year girl from Melbourne.

13 year old Crystal-lee Wightley

Kylie Jenner Twitter feed trolled while real victims fall to illness.

Crystal-lee Wightley had the flu for three days before she died at her family’s home.

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A lot of people confuse the flu for a common cold which may explain Twitter’s reaction, but in all seriousness, influenza is no laughing matter.

We will update you when we learn more on her condition so make sure to follow us on social media. But we’re sure Kylie Jenner is in capable hands and we wish her a speedy recovery.

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