Infinity Ward: Modern Warfare II single-player campaign is epic


Infinity Ward delivers epic action packed single player experience with their Modern Warfare II story campaign.

After being blown away by the single-player story campaign that Infinity Ward created for Modern Warfare II, the Call of Duty community is eagerly anticipating the arrival of the multiplayer mode after the cliffhanger ending.

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Activision has been redeemed by the outstanding works of Infinity War. After the launch failure of Call of Duty: Vanguard, the franchise has left a bitter taste in the mouths of its fans. Modern Warfare II has now met the expectations of many, following a tremendous marketing campaign that left players eager to get their hands on the new title.

The early release of the story campaign mode was a brilliant move that demonstrates Activision’s understanding of not only their product but also their player base. It also demonstrates that the developers are proud of the game they have created, and they have every right to be; they’ve done an excellent job.

Captain Price
Captain Price in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II.

Call of Duty’s single-player campaign is typically disregarded because the bulk of players are eager to immediately begin grinding for levels and weapon camouflages in multiplayer. By releasing it up to a week early, gamers have no excuse not to play and even finish the game’s plot, preparing them for the introduction of the multiplayer feature.

Modern Warfare II boasts a single-player mode that will satisfy even the most ardent military shooter fans; it features larger-than-life warzone set pieces, a brilliant plot brought to life by superb acting, and excellent game-play mechanics.

MWII Multiplayer now live?!

The majority of people who played the single player campaign finished it in one play through and have been begging Activision to launch the multiplayer mode early.

Unfortunately, Activision did not provide early access to Modern Warfare II’s multiplayer mode, but the day one patch is now live on all platforms, so the wait is almost over. According to Activision themselves, Modern Warfare II multiplayer will be live in just a couple of hours!

Multiplayer PC.
Modern Warfare II multiplayer PC.

Multiplayer servers will be live at 3PM AEDT, today, Thursday the 27th, in Australia. Here are the reported times that the servers will go alive across the world:

  • 9 PM PDT (October 27th)
  • 12 AM ET (October 27th)
  • 5 AM BST (October 27th)
  • 1 PM JST (October 27th)
  • 3 PM AEDT (October 27th)

Sadly, there’s little love for PC players as they have to wait even longer to start playing. The mentioned times are only for PlayStation and Xbox players.

If you purchased or pre-ordered Modern Warfare II on PC for either Steam or BattleNet, you’ll have to wait until 2AM AEDT October 28th to play.

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