Pokimane changes Twitter handle to “Incel Slayer” and wages war on men

Pokimane doubles down on her 'man-hating' stance and changes her Twitter handle to 'Incel Slayer' and wages war on men. Pokimane asserts that she's had...

Pokimane made Twitter private after being harassed by JiDion troll

Imane Anys, streamer known as Pokimane, cried on Twitch because a "misogynist pig" trolled her, and she's now made her Twitter private. Imane Anys, aka...

Pokimane group OfflineTV admits to exploiting DMCA on Twitch

In a shocking admission, Disguised Toast claimed that he and fellow OfflineTV member LilyPichu orchestrated his Death Note anime DMCA strike as "a joke" Partnered...

Disguised Toast banned for 1 month after Death Note DMCA violation

OfflineTV member, Disguised Toast, receives DMCA noticed for watching Death Note on Twitch livestream and gets banned for 1 month. Twitch has banned popular variety...

Pokimane returns after 48-hour ban, may continue to watch copyright vids

Pokimane returns to Twitch after receiving a 48-hour ban for a DCMA strike and is not afraid to break the rules again. Pokimane returns to...

